The main differences between biodegradable and compostable

Terminology: What is Biodegradable? Nature: Biodegradation materials are capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms and thereby avoiding pollution. Time taken: Depends largely on the materials itself and the disposing environments Residue: May have small amount of residue, depending on the ingredients Disposal: General waste bin Example: BOPP biodegradable film lamination …

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Could OPP lamination be sustainable?

Choose of material for Coating: Could OPP lamination be sustainable? BOPP biodegradable film lamination by either PLA film & Clarifoil are available. Both are formulated with renewable sources, certified bio-based and offer an alternative to fossil-oil based films. Let’s review their sustainable features: PLA films – BIO-based films — Source: Made from annually renewable source …

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